About Us

Hi, my name is Jennifer Dion and I'm the mother of twin 15-year-old daughters and a 13-year-old son. In 2011, our family of four will officially become a family of five, when my new son comes home from Russia. (I'm still trying to figure out how to get a four-seat Volkswagen Beetle to hold five people  ;o)  Like the Old Testament leader, Joshua and his family, we are devoted to following God and fulfilling His purpose for our lives. "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15 NIV) Our family lives in beautiful San Diego county, and we share our home with two affectionate, but crazy miniature dachshunds.

I started The Starfish Project in 2010 to help to provide orphans throughout the world an opportunity for a new life ... one child at a time. In 2011, we are adopting a five-year-old from Russia and bringing him home to America. As his adoption becomes funded and he settles into his home in California, we intend to "pay it forward" by helping other families afford international adoption. The name, The Starfish Project, comes from the starfish story (in the book above each page) and the concept of making a difference one life at a time. We're going to fund our adoption, and then use the resources and fundraising capabilities of this site to help another family, and then another, and another.

International adoptions cost parents anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000, for paperwork, legal fees, immigration, and travel. The cost can feel overwhelming and, without help, the huge financial investment can discourage parents and keep them from reaching out and making a lifelong difference to an orphan. I'm adopting my son from Russia, and while Russia is the second largest source for international adoptions (China is #1), it is also the most expensive country from which to adopt. At the same time, the "cost" of not helping orphans is tremendous. In Russia, for example, if an orphan grows up without being adopted, studies have shown that only 1 out of every 10 will become a functioning member of Russian society. The other 90% fall prey to prostitution, crime, poor relationships choices (which result in unwed mothers and even more social orphans), suicide, human trafficking, drugs, and alcoholism. Adoption can mean the difference between a ruined, or even shortened life, and a life of hope and promise.

As our family prepares to add a brand new member, we will share our journey with you. See the Blog page for details of our adoption adventure.

"At the present time your plenty will supply what they need,
so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. (2 Corinthians 8:14 NIV)